Penultimate to none! Pendant at its best! Chiseled to produce a lasting impression in the form of Hamsa hand, this pendant will erase the dearth in your life, which appeared to be implausible until now. Silver is the theme! So, fulfill your dream. Truly, your wait has been enough worth. Now, make this moment a memorable one by owning this pendant.
- In the center of the Hamsa hand there is an evil eye - brings protection from the negative influence of the evil eye. The Hamsa's positive energy draws happiness and health.
- The Priestly Blessing (Birkat Kohanim, Numbers 6:24-26) is written in Hebrew on the back:
May God bless you and guard you
May God make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you
May God lift up his face onto you and give you peace. - Pendant is made from 925 Sterling Silver. The silver is actual silver, not bonded or plated.
- Diameter of pendant: 2.4cm/0.95inch
- Handcrafted in Israel, Hebrew text is hand engraved.
- Condition: new